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Our visit to the dentist

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The cubs had an interesting and educational visit to Cecil Street Dental Practice on Friday.

The dental nurses played games with the group and talked about good and bad food – which ones teeth like or don’t like. The children were very good and mostly guessed the bad food – when asked where do sweets go (meaning next to the red tooth on the wall) one boy replied ‘in the bin’!

Next the children    had a chance to practice tooth brushing using models of plastic teeth – we did lots of circles on the outside, top and inside of each tooth.

The group was given the opportunity to try on masks, gloves and glasses, before going into surgery to have a ride on the ‘magic chair’. We watched the mouth wash turn from clear to green before the special hoover sucked it up. Everyone was so good we got a sticker each and a goodie bag containing some toothpaste, a balloon and a tooth brushing sticker chart.

Thank you to Adele and Ellie for showing us around

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Little Jems Nursery in Carlisle provides quality childcare for children aged 0-11 years 51 weeks of the year.


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Guest Tuesday, 22 October 2024

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